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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Stop Picking On Stoners

Orginal Article


Am I the only one not impressed by all of the marijuana seizures lately? Talk about your pre-election, vote-inciting tricks.

No matter where you stand on legalizing marijuana, you have to admit that you have never heard of a marijuana-induced shooting spree. What's the worst crime committed under the influence of pot? I don't think eating too many Cheetos is a crime, even under the Bush administration.

If the government wants to impress me, start catching more drunken drivers, and keep them in jail. How about closing down some crank houses? You know crank, right? It's the drug that actually does father many violent crimes.

I don't know whether marijuana should be legalized or not, but quit acting like you've accomplished something by taking away the peace pipes. That's right, "peace" pipes; it is no coincidence the Indians called it that.

People smoke pot for many reasons: pain control, anxiety control, nausea control and, yes, just to get stoned. Whatever their reasons, when they do smoke it, they do not get violent; they do not rob banks, rape, attack or cross the double yellow line; instead, they sit at home watching TV with a bag of chips.

Traci Piazza,


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