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Sunday, October 29, 2006

10 Steps to End the Drug War from DrugSense

This is a very interesting read from Mark Greer at Drug Sense.

Click the link below to read the post at the Drug WarRant
Click Here

After reading this I scrolled to the bottom to check out the comments posted. Brian Bennett, the owner of the Homepage of Truth with a slogan "It's Not About Legalizing Drugs -- It's About Correcting a Terrible Mistake", posted this very interesting and fresh take of the situation.

actually, this "plan" is useless. the crux of the matter is that our society has lost its focus on its true purpose: to protect individual liberties.

each of these steps, in and of itself, is something that could be accomplished -- but how would that impact the overall waging of the drug war?

i submit that all of these "goals" could be accomplished and not have any impact at all on the overall drug war.

working at this piecemeal has been the standard approach for 40 years. sorry -- it doesn't work. it is analogous to trying to tunnel through a mountain with a teaspoon. or, as arnold trebach puts it: this would be like improving housing conditions for slaves and offerring them a dental plan.

it is the institution of drugwar that is evil and that is what must be vanquished.

i want this bullshit to end long before i'm dead -- and this approach is not likely to accomplish anything at all.

there is only one way to truly, effectively (and quickly) win: get americans to start acting like americans.

p.s. opiates, cocaine, and amphetamines are already legally available. so why is the war against the use of (and users of) those substances still going on?

The quote that I think is the most important part of the comment is, "there is only one way to truly, effectively (and quickly) win: get americans to start acting like americans."

So true.

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