Barack Obama on Medical Marijuana
Looks like Obama will set the federal government's priorities straight on medical marijuana if elected.
Thoughts, Opinions, Activism and Other Marijuana News and Entertainment from a Stoner
Looks like Obama will set the federal government's priorities straight on medical marijuana if elected.
A brief history of marijuana and how it become illegal in the United States.
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1:56 PM
Labels: Marijuana Rant, Marijuana Video, Marijuana Video Information
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It's always a good thing to see members of congress taking action for medical marijuana.
A letter signed by 45 members of the U.S. House of Representatives will be delivered today to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) demanding an end to the obstruction of scientific research aimed at developing marijuana as a legal prescription medicine.
“The DEA is ignoring the vast scientific evidence that clearly shows medicinal use of marijuana benefits patients who are extremely ill,” said Congressman Nadler today. “When it comes to providing the best treatment options to sick Americans, we should trust doctors and medical researchers and not federal bureaucrats.”
"Patients, scientists, and researchers are caught in a Catch-22," said Professor Craker, who is the director of the Medicinal Plant Program in the Department of Plant, Insect and Soil Sciences at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. "DEA continues to arrest patients on the basis that marijuana is not approved by FDA, while simultaneously obstructing the very research that would be required for FDA to approve marijuana as a medicine."
John W. Olver, Dana Rohrabacher, George Miller, Howard Berman, Ron Paul, Tammy Baldwin, Barney Frank, Sam Farr, Jim McGovern, Steve Rothman, Maurice Hinchey, Raúl M. Grijalva, Henry A. Waxman, Jerrold Nadler, Lynn Woolsey, Dennis Kucinich, Mazie Hirono, Michael Capuano, Jim Moran, James Oberstar, Barbara Lee, Julia Carson, Robert Wexler Jan Schakowsky, Steve Cohen, Danny Davis, Zoe Lofgren, John Lewis, Fortney Pete Stark, Michael M. Honda, Ed Pastor, Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Gary L. Ackerman, Neil Abercrombie, Donald M. Payne, John F. Tierney, Lois Capps, Rosa L. DeLauro, LorettaSanchez, James R. Langevin, John Campbell, David E. Price, Peter A. DeFazio, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Edolphus Towns
If you want to learn about the history and politics of marijuana check out this full video documentary, "Grass". This video may not stay up for long so I suggest you run to your local Blockbuster and rent this if it is no longer available online.
Check out Mark Emerys hand cam cover the news of a new ruling in a Canada court.
A new special aired on Showtime this month for its subscribers. Small video clips have been uploaded to youtube for promotion. Check them out here.
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